Thursday 12 July 2012

Guess Who Finally Made An Appearence.............

Sebastian Davis

Born: 1st July 2012
Time: 10:10 pm
Weight: 6lb 6oz
Length: 49cm

I have never felt more proud and happy than over the last week. I never thought that being a mother could be the most fullfilling thing in my life. I would never give my little man up for the world, and just to show how proud of him I am here are more photos.......

Sebastian and Cousin Chloe

I was induced with gel on Saturday 30th of June, after 2 doses of gel I was finally dialated enough for the dr's to break my water. This happened at 1pm on Sunday 1st July, from there it all seemed to happen so quickly. After an hour or so I was started on synthetic hormone to get my contractions started. And, boy did then come hard and fast........ I was given gas to cope with the painfulness of the contractions (apparently the synthetic hormone make contractions worse then natural labor) but the gas could only do so much.

I had previously deceded with my dr that I would have an epidural, not just for the pain but also because of the injury in my spine it would make things easier for me. After a few hours of contractions and a dialations check (I was at 5cm in 2 hours) I finally met my saviour........ the anethiest. I was given the epidural, then things got better rather quickly......

At 9pm I was checked for dialation again and to the surprise of the dr's I was 9cm dialated and well the baby was well on his way out. Basically when the dr opened my vagina she could see my little man's head. At 9:30pm I started pushing. As there were a few complications (my temperature was going way up and baby's heart rate was going down), not to mention baby was getting distressed, the dr decided to assist with the delivery by using forceps. It was at this point Iwas glad that I had the epidural. 

After 40 minutes of pushing and with the assistance of the dr's intervention, my little man was finally here. Then nothing else seemed to matter anymore, nothing but him.

This was the best night of my life.     

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